How to earn From Blog: Top Earning tips for new blogger

Today Ever one want better and more confort in his life so they want to earn some extra money online and other bussiness. but other bussiness is very difficult and blogging is easy so they start blogs, forums and websites. After create they thing what the content and item are post here. so they copy and paste from other blog. they get some visitor but these content post is copy right. and google adsense not give adsense account for it because of DCMA policy. I will giving some earning tips how to earn money from blogging.

Earning tips for new blogger

That the reason in india most of the blog user are creat blog but when they do not earn and penny from his blog they left it and no furture update are doing his blog.
Here are some earn tips for blog. if you follow these steps you definitely earn money from you blog
  • First write you article himself for save your blog from DCMA policy and get google adsense Ads easily on it with out problem.
  • When approved you blog site for ads in google adsense. you blog is  minimum 3 to 6 month old to get google adsense and have good traffic your blog.
  • No adult content and other illigial post on your blog if you have any Remove it from your blog before appyling google adsense ads account.
  • If you try to starting ads on your blog then you will not get success in blogging. you can not earn any singl cent from your blog.
  • Many other alteranates of google adsense but i always suggest you do’nt implimement any ads on your website blog.
Here Are Some Alternate ads company of adsense As follows. these are last option for you if your adsense not approved.
  1. Infolinks
  2. Sharecash
  3. BidVertiser

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