Reliance 3g udp vpn woking internet trick for JULY AUGUST
Here i share with you Reliance udp vpn working trick march 2013 its working in some state of india. with high speed open udp vpn port without disconnection problem or without speed capping.
Premium Features of UDP Vpn trick
- No Registration Required
- High Speed Servers
- No Disconnecting
- Premium servers
- Sercure connection supported
High Speed Servers → Now these days many Vpn service provider are online They provided ICMP/TCP/UDP Vpn open ports for your security to keep your privacy more secure .This Udp Vpn have many server and its give high speed with these server’s.
No Registration → With this udp vpn servers you have no required to register any site or any where you can use it directly just go a head and connect it. and enjoy free internet with Reliance.
APN Status For this Vpn
This Udp Vpn is working on two apn smartnet or rcomnet some area are working on 1st and some on 2nd apn you can try which is working on your area.
How to Setup and how to use this UDP vpn
- You can download config with portable Vpn software or download updated confi
Trickmad are always try to sharing working tricks to all the user. but for the security reason we are upload that tricks file in survey and protect these tricks from getting blocked by the network. These survey are easy to complete for you just patience and follow how to comelete fileice survey. You do also share new tricks and other things.
- After that run this portable with administration mode (window vista and window 7) if you use window xp you can Run directly.
- This udp vpn is connect in first attempt. you can enjoy free internet on reliance mobile.
Problem Solve : If You are Facing Hss Problem When you open any page and it say Please Update your Hss Just download It and install
If you face any problem you can leave your valuable comment and share your experience with other user.
whenever i tried to complete a survey it just says ur ip addreess has already completed this offer,,,,,,