Working Airtel 2G/3G Proxy Trick for PC and Mobile June 2013

Hi, here is another Proxy trick for Airtelconfirmed working in most of the states on PC and mobile. has always been first to share working tricks in all the mobile networks, continuing posting the best tricks over the web here is our new post. We all know airtel is very strict nowadays and they have blocked most of the tricks that were working in the past. Airtel is also blocking SIM card of its users for using free internet if they overuse the bandwidth. Most of the VPN and proxy tricks have stopped working in most of the regions. But still we managed to find few working tricks. This is a proxy trick that is reportedly working in Punjab and Delhi and tested personally by the Author in 2G and 3G networks.Hi, here is another Proxy trick for Airtelconfirmed working in most of the states on PC and mobile. has always been first to share working tricks in all the mobile networks, continuing posting the best tricks over the web here is our new post.

How to configure Airtel 2G/3G Proxy Trick

Below are the methods for using this trick on various platforms . follow eh instructions properly before implementing.
For mobile:
Account Name: Trickmad
Access point:
Proxy: enabled
Proxy IP:
Port: 80
Homepage: any working IP for airtel in your state.
(For Punjab and Delhi use or

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